Find hope for the tough seasons.

Life is hard, but God is good. Download my free devotional today to begin to embrace hard seasons with grace and hope.

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I know firsthand the disappointment that comes from unexpected challenges and hardship. But God is using all of it to shape us into better people with deeper faith.

If you're anything like me, you prefer when life is good and easygoing. But life isn't always rainbows and butterflies, is it? More often than not, life is messy, overwhelming, and downright hard. It's easy to avoid hardship and run the other direction. It's hard to show up and embrace the set of circumstances you've been given.

In Venturing on Rugged Trails, you'll learn how you can embrace the hard seasons of life. This 5 day devotional will change the way you look at trials. You'll gain a new perspective on challenges and learn how to lean deeper into God when life gets hard. Download it today to begin to face the hard stuff with confidence and hope!

Find hope for the tough stuff and hard times.

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